Access to your Medical Records
Effective on January 6, 2025
Your medical records have been transferred to Wheatlyn EyeCare, who will become the designated medical record custodian. Transfer and retention of your medical records will be in full compliance with HIPAA regulations regarding patient privacy, access, and consent. These records will be securely maintained for a period no less than 7 years.
Notification of medical record transfer is by this website announcement, written letter, and in office display at Dr. Nancy Herrold’s practice.
Access to your medical records after the effective date can be obtained by contacting Wheatlyn EyeCare. We kindly ask for type written request for copies of your medical records. Our standard fees will apply. As a new patient of Wheatlyn Eyecare, your records will be accessible during continuation of care with Dr. Nancy Herrold or any of our other fine eyecare providers.
Record transfer requests will be honored by stopping by Wheatlyn EyeCare to fill out a record release form or by patient signed medical record request from another eyecare provider. Be prepared to present a photo Id. Records will be available within 15 days.
Designated Medical Record Custodian:
Wheatlyn EyeCare
234 Rosedale Drive
Manchester, PA 17345
Phone: 717-266-5661